Rural Roots, Urban Strong
The Saskatchewan Party
By Ken Cheveldayoff
I am grateful to have the opportunity to address the mem-bers
of the Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association
through this publication. To keep our province moving for-ward,
we are dependent on SHCA. Your members are a resilient
group and an important part of our economy in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan is a growing province. My commitment to you is
that I will work diligently to build on our government’s record and
to continue to build for tomorrow, including:
• New schools
• New hospitals
• Saskatchewan’s first children’s hospital
• Thousands of kilometres of new roads
• Highway upgrades
• Upgraded and improved infrastructure to support tens of
thousands of people calling Saskatchewan home
This infrastructure supports indus-tries
including energy, mining, agriculture,
construction, manufacturing and more.
Without investment in infrastructure, none
of this is possible; nothing moves until the
roads are built.
I believe Saskatchewan’s best days are
still ahead with a vision based on renew-al,
service and experience. My view to
the future is to position Saskatchewan to
grow, yet still be strong. A big part of that
plan is continuing to build much-needed
I realize that not every decision made by
our government has worked out as we had
intended. Therefore, I have committed to
launching a tax review panel within 60 days
should I have the honour to be our next
leader. We must ensure that we strike a bal-ance
between stable government revenues
and a fair system that encourages savings
and investment by small, medium and large
enterprises. It is why I will fight against oth-er
unfair taxes and burdensome red tape
imposed by Ottawa.
The member companies of SHCA have done a great deal of the heavy
lifting over the past decade of growth. Your organization is represen-tative
of companies large and small and, like you, I will work to pro-vide
strong representation and advocate on your behalf for services for
Collaboration with organizations like SHCA helps our government
understand the challenges of an ever-changing business environment.
As a candidate in the SaskParty Leadership race, I am listening to the
people of Saskatchewan. I look forward to working with you to pave the
way to a better and brighter future for our province. Despite the chal-lenges,
I believe we can keep our province on a strong path forward.
Thank you to SHCA and its members for staying connected to your
community and supporting a respectful and professional relationship
with your clients and stakeholders. I understand the benefits of invest-ing
in infrastructure and am confident in my ability to act on your be-half
about future decisions that will benefit your industry.
UFUK ZIVANA / SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 8 Think BIG | Quarter 4 2017 | saskheavy.ca