SHCA also hosts two golf tournaments annually. The northern
tournament, hosted in Saskatoon, is held late spring/early summer
and the southern tournament usually wraps up the summer’s sea-son
in Regina. Both tournaments are well attended by members as
well as government officials and our construction partners, and are
great networking opportunities.
SHCA also has a variety of sponsorship opportunities available
to our members through our golf tournaments, area meetings, the
AGM and Fall Convention. Additional advertising opportunities are
also available in the e-newsletter, Rental Rate Guide, Think BIG mag-azine
and on our social media pages. All opportunities are a great
way to market to contractors and buyers of construction services.
Affinity programs
Data Communications Management: Data Communications
Management provides multi-channel communication for clients
of all sizes and industries. Their suite of services include printing
stationary, training and safety manuals, permanent and temporary
signage, truck and equipment log books, equipment decals, invoice
processing and forms and brochures design and printing services.
Supreme Office Products: A truly Western Canadian company
with its head office in Regina, Supreme Office Products started out
as one man’s dream with a retail store and has grown to eight loca-tions
spanning the prairie provinces, serving customers from British
Columbia to Ontario. Through this partnership, SHCA members re-ceive
competitive pricing and ease of delivery for a wide selection
of products. Supreme Basics has provided a consistent level of ex-cellence
and responsiveness in servicing SHCA members’ needs in
terms of quality products and superb service.
SHCA members receive a 45 per cent discount off regular com-mercial
catalogue items.
• Free shipping (with the exception of northern members and the
shipping of furniture products)
• Shipping is direct to members’ locations
Amex: The Partners Plus Program gives B2B companies and pro-fessional
associations an opportunity to partner with American
Express and offer their business clients our world-class financing
and expense management solutions. These expense management
solutions enhance control throughout the purchasing and pay-ment
process, and provide the options and tools your clients need
to manage and control spend efficiently:
• Expense control and cost reduction
• Streamlined billing and reconciliation
• Flexible liability options, including corporate liability
• Online tools to monitor spend
• Savings and rewards
The association will continue to expand its suite of affinity pro-grams
in order to help you become more successful.
Meeting facilities
SHCA also hosts meeting space free of charge for our members with-in
our Regina location. The large boardroom holds up to 25 people
for meetings or training sessions and the smaller room can seat up
to 15 people comfortably. Either room may be pre-booked by con-tacting
our office.
The Board of Directors and staff work incredibly hard to ensure
the association’s operating costs stay at a minimum in order to pro-vide
you with the best value for your membership fees. Your mem-bership
is important to enhancing the profile, presence, and impact
of the heavy construction industry in Saskatchewan and we hope
that you will “Think BIG!”
Shantel Lipp
Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association
24 Think BIG | Quarter 4 2017 | saskheavy.ca