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The Canadian Construction Association was established.
Gravel roads replaced dirt roads in Saskatchewan, with gravel
roads formed on main highways in Regina, Saskatoon, Moose
Jaw, Yorkton and North Battleford.
The provincial government spent $1 million to gravel close
to 1,000 miles of highway that year. Over the next four years,
the government spent $20 million to build an additional
2,000 miles of highways.
Saskatchewan has close to 6,000 miles of graded highways.
Saskatchewan and Manitoba construction contractors
formed the Prairie Roadbuilders Section of the Canadian
Construction Association.
Saskatchewan was home to more than 600 miles of blacktop
The provincial government announced that nearly 360
kilometres of roads would be blacktopped, 1,200 kilometres
would be graded and 1,330 kilometres would be gravelled
that year. The program was called “The biggest program of
work ever outlined for Saskatchewan in any one season” by
Department of Highways Minister Tommy Douglas.
Prairie Roadbuilders Association was adopted.
Saskatchewan was the first province to complete its portion
of the Trans-Canada Highway (it officially opened on Aug. 21).
History was made in Saskatchewan when a helicopter was
used for the first time by road builders to help build a road
from Nipawin Provincial Park to Flin Flon, Man.
Saskatchewan was home to more than 4,800 kilometres of
dust-free highways.
Historical Timeline
36 Think BIG | Quarter 4 2017 | saskheavy.ca