As for the most popular piece of con-struction
equipment that is sold in
Saskatchewan, Foster says that this honour
goes to the motor grader, which is the con-sistently
highest volume selling machine
year after year.
“The biggest proponent of this is the
vast grid system in the province,” said
Foster. “With the amount of gravel roads
we have, there is a continued need for
equipment to maintain them and the mo-tor
grader is the machine for the job. Of
course, the weather plays into it as well
with the requirement for snow removal
on all roadways in the province for a good
portion of the year.”
He says that the contractor market seg-ment
also has much use for motor graders
on their jobsites – just not the same volume.
“Roughly 50 per cent of the heavy equip-ment
market in Saskatchewan is motor
graders, with the majority going to the ru-ral
municipalities and cities. To properly
support this, we’re proud to be able to of-fer
the redesigned Komatsu GD655 grader
to the market.”
Foster cites that one of the most notable
projects that SMS Equipment continues to
be involved in is supplying a large amount
of equipment, parts and services to the
Regina Bypass project.
“This project is the largest transpor-tation
infrastructure project in the prov-ince’s
history. Most of the dirt moving and
paving contractors on the job have equip-ment
purchased from and serviced by SMS
Equipment. It ranges from a few bulldozers
or excavators to some who brought entire
fleets of Komatsu and Wirtgen equipment
to fulfill their commitments.”
When asked what the secret is to SMS
Equipment’s success, Foster says he not
sure it’s much of a secret.
“Our success and growth in the market-place
is a derivative of the quality Komatsu
and other OEM equipment we offer, as well
as our dedication to serving our customers
in whatever way they need us to. Whether
they have one piece of equipment or a large
fleet, we treat every inquiry with a sense
of urgency and take care to provide qual-ity
service. Our company and our vendors
have a deep pool of resources and commit-ted
people who take care of all of our cus-tomer’s
requirements. Our employees are
excellent problem solvers and this is key
when building trust and relationships.”
SHCA membership
and the future
SMS Equipment is also a proud long-time
member of the Saskatchewan Heavy
Construction Association (SHCA). Not on-ly
does the company benefit from the net-working
the SHCA provides, “but we also
gain valuable insight from our customers
and what they are dealing with in the mar-ketplace.
It allows us to tailor our products
and services to their needs to help them be
successful with our equipment.”
As for what the next few years holds for
the company, Foster says SMS Equipment
will still be providing world-class products
and services to new and existing customers.
“We will continue to support our
customer base with all of their equip-ment
needs to help ensure a prosperous
heavy construction industry for all in-volved.
By knowing the needs of our cus-tomers
and through our highly trained,
safe and mobile workforce, we will be
the No. 1 solutions provider in the heavy
equipment industry.”
50 Think BIG | Quarter 4 2017 |