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Construction begins for a
new affordable housing
project in Saskatoon
The Government of Canada and the
Province of Saskatchewan, along with the
City of Saskatoon and Quint Development
Corporation (Quint), officially broke
ground for a new 26-unit rental housing
project for individuals and families who re-quire
supports in order to secure and main-tain
The Honourable Ralph Goodale,
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency
Preparedness, on behalf of Jean-Yves
Duclos, Minister of Families, Children
and Social Development and Minister
Responsible for Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation (CMHC), along
with the Honourable Tina Beaudry-
Mellor, Minister of Social Services and
Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan
Housing Corporation (SHC), and His
Worship Charlie Clark, Mayor of the City
of Saskatoon, and Joy Crawford, Chair of
Quint Development Corporation’s Board
of Directors, made the announcement.
Located on the 200 block of Avenue O
South in Saskatoon, this development will
consist of the construction of 26 brand new
units in a townhouse complex in the core-neighbourhood
of Pleasant Hill.
“This exciting project will help to make
Saskatoon a more accessible community
where all people can thrive,” said Charlie
Clark, mayor of Saskatoon. “Safe, se-cure
and stable housing is an investment
worth making because it helps build
shared prosperity and the success of our
city. My largest thanks to all of the part-ners
who funded this project and for the
Quint Development Corporation for con-tinuing
to show such strong leadership in
this area.”
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Hon. Ralph
Goodale, Minister
of Public Saf ety
and Emergency
20 Think BIG | Quarter 4 2017 |