Think BIG’s newest column shares news from around
the world that SHCA members need to know about
Investing in the
growth and renewal of
Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Sean Casey, parliamentary secretary to the
Minister of Canadian Heritage, recently an-nounced
funding of $2,525,415 for the re-newal
of Wanuskewin Heritage Park in
Saskatoon. Casey made this announce-ment
on behalf of the Honourable Mélanie
Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage.
This funding, provided by the Government
of Canada through the Canada Cultural
Spaces Fund, will allow the organization
to build new facilities and enhance exist-ing
ones. This will include the addition of
an educational facility and a contemporary
Indigenous art gallery. The project will also
see interpretive and educational program-ming
elevated to international standards.
“Our government is proud to support
projects that allow Canadians to learn
about and embrace Indigenous history,
culture and art, particularly in this time of
reconciliation,” said Joly. “We are proud to
make significant investments in cultural
infrastructure and to support organiza-tions
that provide Canadians with mean-ingful
opportunities to enjoy our arts and
“Wanuskewin is a special place that con-nects
people today with the relationship
that Indigenous people have had with this
land for millennia,” said Charlie Clark, may-or
of Saskatoon. “The City of Saskatoon is
proud to play a part in the renewed vision
for Wanuskewin, ensuring it continues to
be a place for gathering, community cele-bration
and learning.”
Wanuskewin Heritage Park showcases
the interpretation of Northern Plains First
Nations culture. Located a few kilometres
north of Saskatoon on Treaty 6 territory,
its site has been a gathering place for the
Indigenous Peoples of the Northern Plains
for thousands of years. It is a significant ar-chaeological
asset, with finds dating back
as far as 6,400 years ago. Excavation has
been taking place for 36 years.
Wanuskewin Heritage Park currently in-cludes
a visitor centre, an art gallery and in-terpretive
walking trails. It offers enriched
Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Executive Committee
Allan Barilla
Morsky Construction Ltd.
1st Vice Chairman
Kevin Arneson
Allan Construction
2nd Vice Chairman
Trevor Nabe
AECON Transportation West Inc.
Past Chairman
Carmen Duncan
C. Duncan Construction Ltd.
Shantel Lipp
Sean Wilson
G.W. Construction Ltd.
David Paslawski
ASL Paving Ltd.
Michael Cardinal
Consolidated Construction Co.
Devin Rushton
Inland Aggregates, a Division of LeHigh
Hanson Materials Limited
Jonas Short
BLS Asphalt Inc
Ron Smith
W.F. Botkin Construction Ltd.
Harley Diederichs
Potzus Paving & Road Maintenance Ltd.
Josh Safronetz
H.J.R. Asphalt Ltd.
Mary Panteluk
Kelly Panteluk Construction Ltd.
SHCA Staff
Finance Officer
Ellie Weare
Administrative Assistant
Monisha Joysuree-Caullechurn
thinkbigmagazine.ca | Quarter 4 2017 | Think BIG 15