Standing with Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Party
By Scott Moe
Saskatchewan has come a long way over the past de-cade.
Under the leadership of Premier Brad Wall, the
Saskatchewan Party set out in 2007 to create the condi-tions
that would stimulate the private sector to invest and create
jobs and opportunities for Saskatchewan people. Thanks to the en-trepreneurial
spirit of Saskatchewan’s small businesses and larger
industries, over 60,000 new jobs have been created in the past 10
years. This is in stark contrast to the NDP, who thought creating
government jobs was the only way to grow the economy, resulting
in Saskatchewan having the worst job creation in Canada and our
young people seeking opportunity elsewhere.
I am running to be the leader of the Saskatchewan Party and to be
the next Premier of our province to continue that legacy and build
on it. Our economy and job market was affected by the resource sec-tor
downtown, but not to the extent as it was next door to us in
NDP-led Alberta. Our party’s resolve to keep taxes low and to re-main
competitive with other jurisdictions helped to encourage in-vestment
in our province.
With growing protectionist sentiment coming from the Trump
Administration, we must look to continue to grow export mar-kets.
Last year, approximately half of our exports went to the United
States. The U.S. market grew by 19 per cent over the past decade to
$13 billion worth of goods exported last year; however, other export
markets like China grew by 530 per cent over the same time peri-od
to $3 billion worth of goods exported last year. Exports to India
grew by 272 per cent to $1.5 billion. That is why I propose creating a
new Ministry of International Trade and Exports with the mandate
to grow new and existing markets for our producers and industries
to create economic growth at home.
Economic growth is important because it allows governments to
pay for the services that Saskatchewan people require – health, ed-ucation,
social services and infrastructure, to name a few. Thanks to
the past decade of growth, government was able to invest $7.4 billion
in our highways in the past 10 years, a 139 per cent increase from the
NDP’s last 10 years. Over 12,000 km of Saskatchewan highways have
been improved during that time. Every week, I drive to Regina from
Rosthern-Shellbrook when the legislature is in session. I know that
some highways still need to be fixed, but the conditions of our high-ways
are way better than they were a decade ago. If I am elected, we
will continue to invest in our infrastructure – highways, in particular
– as improved infrastructure not only improves safety for all, but im-proves
the movement of goods in and out of our province.
If you are not a member of the Saskatchewan Party, I urge you
to join. I humbly ask for your support for my vision to stand with
Saskatchewan, and to stand with me against a federally imposed
carbon tax and against the NDP in 2020.
UFUK ZIVANA / SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 10 Think BIG | Quarter 4 2017 | saskheavy.ca